Web Analytic's Glossary

Definitions To Common Terms Related to Web Analytics

403 Forbidden

Short Definition

403 Forbidden" is an HTTP status code indicating that the server understands the request, but refuses to authorize it.

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404 Not Found

Short Definition

404 Not Found" is an HTTP status code indicating that the server cannot find the requested resource.

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500 Internal Server Error

Short Definition

500 Internal Server Error" is an HTTP status code indicating that the server encountered an unexpected condition preventing it from fulfilling the request.

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Above the Fold

Short Definition

"Above the fold" refers to the portion of a webpage that is visible without scrolling, typically viewed upon initial loading.

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Ad Blocker

Short Definition

An ad blocker is a software tool or browser extension that prevents advertisements from displaying on webpages.

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Alt Text

Short Definition

Alt text, or alternative text, is a descriptive attribute added to HTML image tags that provides text-based information about an image's content or function.

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Short Definition

A backlink is a hyperlink from one website to another, considered as a vote of confidence or endorsement by the linking site.

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Bounce Rate

Short Definition

"Bounce Rate" is a web analytics metric that measures the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a website after viewing only one page.

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California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Short Definition

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state law that grants California residents specific rights regarding their personal information and imposes obligations on businesses that collect or process such data.

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Call to Action (CTA)

Short Definition

A "Call to Action" (CTA) is a prompt or instruction designed to encourage an immediate response or specific action from the audience.

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Canonical Tag

Short Definition

A canonical tag is an HTML element used to prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the preferred version of a web page.

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Churn Rate

Short Definition

Churn rate refers to the percentage of customers or subscribers who stop using a service or product within a specific period.

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Short Definition

A large and permanent human settlement characterized by a dense population, significant infrastructure, and various social, economic, and cultural activities.

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Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Short Definition

A metric used in digital marketing that measures the percentage of clicks on a hyperlink, advertisement, or call-to-action relative to the total number of impressions or views.

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Short Definition

A continent is a large, continuous mass of land on Earth, distinct from islands and peninsulas.

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Conversion Rate

Short Definition

A conversion rate is the percentage of users who take a desired action out of the total number of visitors or users.

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Short Definition

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on a user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

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Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Short Definition

The total cost of acquiring a new customer through a specific campaign or channel, including all marketing and advertising expenses.

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Cost Per Click (CPC)

Short Definition

The amount paid by an advertiser to a publisher for each click on an ad that leads a user to the advertiser's website.

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Short Definition

A nation or a sovereign state that occupies a specific geographic area, typically with its own government and political system.

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Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Short Definition

The total expense incurred by a business to gain a new customer, encompassing marketing, advertising, and sales-related costs.

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Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Short Definition

The total worth to a business of a customer over the whole period of their relationship.

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Device Types

Short Definition

In web analytics this refers to the categories of devices used by visitors to access a website, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

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Short Definition

The unique name that identifies a website on the Internet, forming part of its URL.

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Event Tracking

Short Definition

A method used in web analytics to measure user interactions with content on a website beyond web page views, such as clicks on links, downloads, or video plays.

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Exit Page

Short Definition

The last page a user visits before leaving a website during a browsing session.

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First Lead Source

Short Definition

First Lead Source refers to the initial channel or method through which a potential customer first becomes aware of and interacts with a business or product.

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First Seen On

Short Definition

The date and time when a user or entity is first detected or recorded by a system or service.

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First-Party Cookie

Short Definition

A cookie placed on a user's device directly by the website the user is visiting

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First-Party Data

Short Definition

The data is information collected directly by an organization from its own sources, such as its website, app, CRM, and customer interactions.

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Short Definition

A legal framework set by the European Union (EU) to protect individuals' privacy and personal data and to regulate how such data is processed and handled.

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Short Definition

The process of determining the geographical location of a device or individual using digital information.

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Short Definition

A graphical representation of data where values are depicted by color, allowing for easy visualization of complex data sets to identify patterns or trends.

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Short Definition

The number of times an advertisement or digital content is displayed to users, regardless of whether it was clicked or not.

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IP Address

Short Definition

A unique string of numbers and decimals assigned to devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

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Landing Page

Short Definition

A specific web page that a visitor arrives at after clicking on a link or advertisement, designed to achieve a marketing or sales goal.

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Last Lead Source

Short Definition

The most recent channel or method through which a potential customer interacted with a business before taking a significant action, like making a purchase or filling out a contact form.

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Last Seen On

Short Definition

The most recent date and time when a user or entity was active or made an interaction on a platform or system.

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Lead Generation

Short Definition

The process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into someone who has indicated interest in a company's products or services.

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Lead Source

Short Definition

The origin or method through which a potential customer first becomes aware of and engages with a business or product.

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Lead Source Type

Short Definition

The various channels or methods through which leads are generated, such as digital advertising, referrals, organic search, and social media.

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Least Specific Subdivision

Short Definition

The broadest administrative or geographical division within a country, such as a state or province, below the national level.

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Lifetime Value (LTV)

Short Definition

The total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their entire relationship with the company.

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Meta Description

Short Definition

A meta description is a brief summary of a webpage's content that appears in search engine results to give users an idea of what the page is about.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Short Definition

A metric used to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking customers how likely they are to recommend a company's products or services to others.

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New Visitor

Short Definition

An individual who visits a website for the first time, with no previous record of interaction or visitation detected by the site's tracking system.

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Operating System

Short Definition

The software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs

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Organic Search

Short Definition

The unpaid search results generated by a search engine based on their relevance to the user's query, excluding paid advertisements.

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Orphan Page

Short Definition

An orphan page is a webpage on a website that lacks internal links from other pages within the same site.

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Page Views

Short Definition

The total number of times a webpage is loaded or reloaded in a browser within a given period.

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Page Views Per Visit

Short Definition

A web analytics metric that averages the number of webpages viewed during a single visit to a website.

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Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Short Definition

An online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Short Definition

Any data that can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person.

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Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations

Short Definition

UK laws setting out rules regarding the use of personal data in electronic communications, including marketing calls, emails, texts, and the use of cookies on websites.

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Referer Hostname

Short Definition

The domain name of the webpage that directly linked a user to the current webpage.

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Referring URL

Short Definition

The web address of the page from which a user navigated to the current page by following a hyperlink.

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Request URL

Short Definition

The specific address of a webpage or resource a user's browser asks to access on the internet.

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Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Short Definition

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is a marketing metric that measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.

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Return on Investment (ROI)

Short Definition

A financial metric used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment, measuring the return relative to the investment's cost.

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Return Visitor

Short Definition

An individual who has previously visited a website and returns to it at least once more.

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Rich Snippets

Short Definition

Rich snippets are enhanced search results displayed by search engines, providing additional information beyond traditional snippets, such as images, ratings, reviews, and more.

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Short Definition

A text file webmasters create to instruct web robots (typically search engine crawlers) how to crawl and index pages on their website

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Schema Markup

Short Definition

Schema markup is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines understand the content of web pages more effectively.

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Screen Size

Short Definition

The physical size and resolution of a computer or mobile device screen, typically measured in inches or pixels.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Short Definition

The practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results

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Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

Short Definition

SERPs, or Search Engine Results Pages, are the pages displayed by search engines in response to a user's query, containing a list of relevant webpages, advertisements, and other content.

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SEO Title

Short Definition

An SEO title, or meta title, is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage and is displayed as the clickable headline in search engine results.

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Short Definition

A period of activity from a single user on a website, starting when they arrive and ending when they leave, typically after a period of inactivity.

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Short Definition

A prefix added to a domain name that creates a distinct web address for specific content or services within the main website.

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Third-Party Cookie

Short Definition

A cookie set by a domain other than the one the user is currently visiting, often used for tracking and online advertising.

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Third-Party Data

Short Definition

Information collected by an entity that does not have a direct relationship with the user from whom the data is collected, often used for advertising and marketing purposes.

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Time On Page

Short Definition

A web analytics metric that measures the amount of time a user spends on a specific webpage before navigating to another page.

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Time On Site

Short Definition

A web analytics metric that measures the total duration a user spends on a website during a single session.

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Traffic Referral

Short Definition

The process where users arrive at a website from another source, such as a link on another website, rather than directly or through a search engine.

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Unique Visitor

Short Definition

An individual user who visits a website at least once within a given time period, distinct from other visitors regardless of how many times they visit.

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Short Definition

The address of a specific webpage or file on the Internet.

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User Agent

Short Definition

A software component that acts on behalf of a user, such as a web browser or email client, and provides information about the device and software to web servers.

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Short Definition

Parameters added to URLs to track the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns across traffic sources and publishing media.

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Short Definition

An individual who accesses and interacts with a website.

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Visits Per Unique Visitor

Short Definition

A metric that averages the number of sessions a single visitor initiates on a website within a given timeframe.

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Web Browser

Short Definition

A software application used to access and view websites on the internet.

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